Rah Rah Rabbit emerges as a distinctive force in the realm of Americana Cosmic Country. Their music seamlessly weaves together elements of folk, roots, and psychedelia, creating a sonic journey that transports listeners from the Honky Tonk to the far reaches of outer space, all within a single set. Hailing from the vibrant musical landscape of Los Angeles, this band is poised to keep you enthralled throughout their performance.
At the helm of Rah Rah Rabbit is the enigmatic frontwoman Laura Anne Lacy also known as Rabbit, a seasoned musician with a musical career spanning over 15 years in the eclectic landscapes of Los Angeles and the Mojave Desert. Rabbit's songwriting prowess serves as the driving force behind the band's evocative and original compositions.
Comprising six exceptionally talented musicians, Rah Rah Rabbit guarantees an experience that will set your boots tapping and your heart pulsating to the rhythms of their sweet and clever tunes. From the very beginning, this stylistically unique ensemble has exhibited an uncanny ability to harmonize and perform as if they were destined to create music together.
Throughout their musical journey, Rah Rah Rabbit has succeeded in winning the affection of music enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds and across various genres.
Label ~ Blackbird Record Label ~ Manda Mosher: manda@blackbirdrecordlabel.com
Publicity ~ KG Music Press ~ Kim Grant: kim@kgmusicpress.com